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The Climate, Land, Energy and Water Framework

A Methodology Handbook


English IAEA-TECDOC-2065 ¦ 978-92-0-127224-9

41 pages ¦ 12 figures ¦ € 30.00 ¦ Date published: 2024


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To support Member States in elaborating integrated strategies to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the IAEA has developed the CLEW (climate, land, energy and water) framework, in cooperation with other UN organizations and scientific experts. The objective of this publication is to provide guidance on the application of the CLEW framework, which integrates quantitative tools for climate, land, energy and water modelling and facilitates collaboration between experts and policymakers in these domains. The publication is intended to serve as a reference for practitioners in Member States, international organizations, and NGOs seeking to apply integrated assessment approaches and methodologies to develop coherent sustainable and climate resilient energy, water and land use strategies.

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Climate, Land, Energy, CLEW, Water Framework, Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, Climatic Changes, Climate Change Mitigation, Power Resources, Environmental Aspects, Member States, UN Sustainable Development Goals, UN Organizations, Scientific Experts, Quantitative Tools, Water Modelling, Methodology Handbook, NGOs, Integrated Assessment Approaches, Land Use Strategies, CLEW Nexus, Energy-Water Nexus, Land-Energy Nexus, The Overarching Issue, The Integrated CLEW Framework, The Concept of CLEW, Advantages, Shortfalls of the Modular Approach, CLEW Study, Systems Profiling, Model Development, Analysis of the Results, Reporting, Modeling the CLEW System, CLEW Modelling Analysis, Interlinked Resource System Interactions, CLEW Approach, Results, Climate Resilience, Quantitative Tools, Sustainable Energy, Review

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