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Knowledge Management Perspectives on Outsourcing in Operating Nuclear Power Plants


English IAEA-TECDOC-1884 ¦ 978-92-0-161219-9

106 pages ¦ 6 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2019

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This publication is intended to assist the management teams of operating organizations and nuclear power plants (NPPs) that outsource certain activities or use external services, in identifying and implementing an appropriate knowledge management strategy. A proactive approach to acquiring new organizational knowledge and the competence needed for operating NPPs is described. The methodologies provided are applicable to outsourcing for all phases of the nuclear power plant life cycle including preparation, design, construction, operation, long term operation and decommissioning. While this publication applies primarily to NPPs and focuses on operating plant processes, it also may be relevant for other nuclear organizations, such as research facilities, technical support organizations, academic facilities and nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

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NPPs, Nuclear Power Plants, KM, Knowledge Management, Contracting Out, Organizational Knowledge, Competences, Nuclear Organizations, Research Facilities, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, Outsourcing, Learning, Technical Competence, Technical Knowledge, Systems, Tools, Qualification, Training, Processes, Functions, Impact Assessment Framework, Risk Assessment Guidance, Case Studies, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Evaluation, Methodology, Service Life, Lifetime, Operational Phase, Financial Efficiency

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