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The Radiation Chemistry of Polysaccharides

Non-serial Publications

English STI/PUB/1731 ¦ 978-92-0-101516-7

467 pages ¦ 274 figures ¦ € 75.00 ¦ Date published: 2016

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This publication provides the background and compiles the most recent research findings as well as detailing development activities relating to the development of radiation processed products made of natural polymers. Successes clearly indicate that the radiation processing of natural polymers has emerged as an exciting area where the unique characteristics of these polymeric materials can be exploited for a variety of practical applications in agriculture, healthcare, industry and the environment.

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Chemistry, Polysaccharides, Polymers, Radiation Effects, Radiation Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Applications, Agriculture, Healthcare, Industry, Environment, Natural Materials, CRP, Coordinated Research Project, Nuclear Malaysia, Extraction, Processing, Ionizing Radiation, Viscosity, Radiation Modification, Cross-Linking, Methods, Structure-Property Relations, Structural Parameters, Radiation Degradation, Analytical Techniques, Degree of Deacetylation, DD, Dynamic Light Scattering, DLS, Radiation Modified Polysaccharides, Food Packaging, Radiation Processed Products, Novel Materials, Plant Biologists

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