Webinars: Introductory webinars
Global Nuclear Safety and Security Communication Network (GNSSCOM) Webinar series “Women in Nuclear “
This webinar series brings together women professionals to create a dialogue, and to provide participants with the unique opportunity to engage with speakers and learn more about this important topical subject. Female professionals who are all at various stages of their careers, will share their experiences working in the nuclear field.
This webinar series specifically discusses challenges faced by regulators in widening awareness on nuclear technology, the safety processes in the operations and how high levels of safety is paramount throughout the entire life cycle at a nuclear or radiological facility. It will also cover regulatory decision-making processes.
- Women in Nuclear, 22 August 2023
- Addressing Gender Balance in Nuclear Safety and Security, 21 March 2024
Introductory Webinar on the IAEA Safety Standards “Remediation Strategy and Process for Areas Affected by Past Activities or Events” and “Leadership, Management and Culture for Safety in Radioactive Waste Management”
This webinar will set out the purpose, scope and target audience of the two new IAEA Safety Standards Series GSG-15, Remediation Strategy and Process for Areas Affected by Past Activities or Events, and GSG-16, Leadership, Management and Culture for Safety in Radioactive Waste Management, and will describe the key elements of these standards.
Effective Use of Social Media in Nuclear Safety and Security Communication
This webinar will focus on the effective use of social media in nuclear safety and security communication. It will feature IAEA guidance and review of relevant materials. Experts from Member States will also provide case studies on how they employ social media to engage with different stakeholders and share lessons learned. The webinar will feature online polls conducted to inform the discussion on the role of social media in promoting global efforts to strengthen nuclear safety and nuclear security. The interactive webinar session aims to engage the webinar participants to increase Member States’ understanding and practical application of social media considerations, tools and techniques to strengthen the GNSSCOM network of communicators in parallel.
An Introduction to Integrated Review Service for Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning and Remediation (ARTEMIS)
The objective of this webinar is to give insight in the objectives, benefits and process of the ARTEMIS missions, and to provide feedback from Member States having hosted an ARTEMIS mission and highlight expectations from Member States awaiting to host one.
An Introduction to Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS)
The objective of this webinar is to give insight in the objectives, benefits and process of the IRRS missions, and to provide feedback from Member States having hosted an IRRS mission and highlight expectations from Member States awaiting to host one.
An Introduction to IAEA Safety Standards on Protection of People and the Environment GSG 8, GSG-9, and GSG-10
The objective of this webinar is to provide a short overview of three IAEA safety standards GSG-8, GSG-9 and GSG-10. It will be of interest to governments, regulatory bodies, operating organizations and other parties with responsibilities for directing, planning or undertaking the management of radioactive waste, or involved in the remediation of sites or areas and contributing to the recovery process for areas affected by past activities or events. It will also be of interest to suppliers to such organizations of safety related services and products that support radioactive waste management.
Global Nuclear Safety and Security Communication Network | GNSSCOM: ‘How to’ Webinar Series
The Global Nuclear Safety and Security Communication Network (GNSSCOM) is a network for IAEA Member States to connect and collaborate with the goal of improving communication effectiveness, consultation and overall interaction with interested parties, and building public trust in the nuclear and radiation safety and security field. Topics are based on key recommendations identified in survey results, reflecting needs of Member States' to advance their awareness, aptitude and support for working with interested parties.
An Introduction to the IAEA Safety Standards
This webinar provides an overview of the IAEA safety standards, including the history, purpose, scope and structure, as well as the processes for the development of the safety standards. Means and tools for accessing the publications will be presented. The webinar is aimed at experts in different areas of nuclear and radiation safety, such as from national regulatory bodies and other relevant authorities, operating organizations and technical support organizations, who are using the IAEA safety standards in their daily work and are involved in the development of the standards or would like to obtain more information on the IAEA safety standards.