Young scientists, researchers, engineers involved in nuclear power reactor research and interested students can now apply to participate in a comprehensive workshop that will provide a basic understanding of different innovative nuclear energy systems. The deadline for applications is 20 May 2018.
The Workshop on Physics and Technology of Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems is jointly organized by the IAEA and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). It will be held from 20 to 24 August 2018 at the ICTP Campus in Trieste, Italy. The workshop will review state-of-the-art reactor design concepts and nuclear fuel cycle options including design and technological features of various innovative reactor types.
“The participants will receive a theoretical foundation on the most important research and technology development areas of innovative nuclear energy systems,” explains Vladimir Kriventsev from the IAEA Nuclear Power Technology Development Section and one of the IAEA workshop directors. “They will learn about modern physical models and simulation codes for the design and safety analysis of these systems.”
Discussions, group activities, a poster session and various blended learning approaches will be used to enhance sharing of new ideas and emphasize the need for continued research and development, and innovations in all areas of nuclear reactor and fuel cycle science and technology development.
The topics to be addressed during the five-day workshop include:
- Global scenario for nuclear energy;
- Innovative reactor concepts and fuel cycle options;
- Reactor physics of innovative nuclear energy systems;
- Thermal hydraulics of innovative nuclear energy systems;
- Status of advanced primary components and development and qualification of structural materials, coolants, and fuels;
- Passive safety systems and other safety technologies;
- Safety analysis including severe accident scenarios;
- Advanced reactor modelling and simulation;
- Status of research and technology development in support of innovative reactor and fuel cycle technologies.