Norway and Romania, supported by the IAEA, have extended a partnership to assist Romania in strengthening its regulatory infrastructure for nuclear safety and security, including emergency preparedness.
The extension of the partnership for another 4 years will focus on improving Romania’s capabilities to prevent accidents and malicious acts involving nuclear or other radiological material. It also aims to strengthen the country’s preparedness for nuclear and radiological incidents and emergencies.
Deputy Director General Juan Carlos Lentijo, Head of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, commended this project aiming at improving Romania’s safety and security.
Romanian State Secretary Rodin Traicu, President of the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN), welcomed the focus of the project on training the new staff CNCAN plans to add in the coming three years.
Per Strand, Deputy Director General the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, noted that this partnership also offers to NRPA opportunities to improve its own regulatory program, for example through the development of new regulatory processes and enhanced training.
The new agreement was concluded during a signing ceremony held in September 2018 on the margins of the IAEA General Conference. The cooperation started in 2009.