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Jordan’s National Centre for Nuclear and Radiological Security Designated as IAEA Collaborating Centre


IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security Lydie Evrard, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of NCNRS, Zeyad Alsaaydeh, at the signing ceremony. (Photo: X. Tang/IAEA) 

Jordan’s National Centre for Nuclear and Radiological Security has become an IAEA collaborating centre for capacity building in nuclear security detection and response.

The main areas of engagement will focus on the development of training materials, hosting workshops and technical visits, and cooperation in coordinated research activities.

“The designation of the National Centre for Nuclear and Radiological Security (NCNRS) as an IAEA collaborating centre builds on its well-recognized expertise and state-of-the-art facilities in nuclear security detection and response capacity building,” said Lydie Evrard, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, at the signing ceremony in Vienna. “Under this agreement, the NCNRS will further engage with the IAEA to contribute to the Agency’s efforts to support countries to enhance their detection and response capabilities for nuclear security,” she added.

The four year agreement was signed on the sidelines of the IAEA’s International Conference on Nuclear Security: Shaping the Future and makes NCNRS the first such centre in the Middle East. This brings the number of collaborating centres in the field of nuclear security worldwide to ten.

Zeyad Alsaaydeh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NCNRS, which is part of Jordan’s Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission, said: “Jordan has been constantly working to strengthen the national nuclear security architecture to combat nuclear smuggling and illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive material, and to respond to nuclear security events.”  

He added: “This agreement comes at a time when global cooperation in the radiological and nuclear sector is essential. NCNRS has strengthened its capabilities and is equipped with the latest technologies, enabling its specialized and qualified technical personnel to support all activities agreed upon.”

Rana Abida, Chargé d’affaires at the Permanent Mission of Jordan in Vienna, agreed. “The designation of NCNRS as collaborating centre will support the IAEA’s activities and solidify the centre’s goals of enhancing coordination between national agencies to secure nuclear and radioactive material, and counter illicit trafficking, and we hope this will benefit nuclear security in the region as well," she said.

The long collaboration between NCNRS and IAEA in nuclear security over the years has resulted in the organization of several training courses, as well as in NCNRS participation in coordinated research projects, such as the ‘Facilitation of Safe and Secure Trade Using Nuclear Detection Technology - Detection of RN and Other Contraband’, and ‘Advancing Maintenance, Repair, and Calibration of Radiation Detection Equipment’. In addition, NCNRS participates in the International Network of Front Line Officers and Organizations for Nuclear Security Detection and the International Network for Nuclear Security Training and Support Centres.

NCNRS facilities also include a radiation detection training facility, equipped with radiation portal monitors and hand-held detectors. The establishment of NCNRS as a collaborating centre of the IAEA will play an important role in further enhancing capacity building for nuclear security worldwide.

About Collaborating Centres

An IAEA Collaborating Centre is a national institution, department or laboratory, which focuses on research, development and training and which has been designated by the IAEA to support the IAEA’s programmatic activities by implementing an agreed work plan. The designation of such a Centre is done through an IAEA Collaborating Centre Agreement. This Agreement is a legally binding document signed by both parties, which contains the undertakings of the parties and the duration of designation as well as the objectives, activities and expected results and outcomes.

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