The IAEA hosted a meeting with representatives from the government of Kuwait earlier this month, to assist the country in finalizing its draft national nuclear law in line with the relevant international legal instruments on nuclear safety, security, safeguards and civil liability for nuclear damage.
The meeting, which took place from 7 to 9 September at the IAEA headquarters and was organized by the IAEA Office of Legal Affairs, was attended by the country’s National Liaison Office, the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), the Kuwait Radiation Protection Department, the Ministry of Health and the Council of Ministers, Department of Legal Advice and Legislation.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss recent IAEA 's comments on a translated revised draft law on the handling of ionizing radiation sources and on protection from such sources, and the elements of an adequate and comprehensive national nuclear law. That revised draft law was developed further to the IAEA Legislative Assistance Mission to the State of Kuwait in December 2019, during which IAEA general and specific written comments were provided on the draft law.
During the meeting, several issues were discussed, including terminology, the mandate of the Radiation Protection Committee, and the safe and secure management of radioactive waste, with a focus on determining whether the draft addressed in an adequate manner all elements of a comprehensive national legal framework for facilities, activities and practices. Attendees also considered whether there may be aspects that should be strengthened in terms of clarity and consistency, in line with the relevant international legal instruments, as well as IAEA safety standards and guidance documents.
“These discussions with the IAEA are a real asset for us. There are many technical details to consider, and the deliverables of the meeting will enable us to produce effective and responsive legislation,” said Nader AlAwadhi, National Liaison Officer. “After this exchange we will be able to propose a nuclear legislation in accordance with our needs and the obligations from international treaties to which Kuwait is a party.”
IAEA Legal Officer Anthony Wetherall, who leads the IAEA Legislative Assistance Programme, highlighted the significant progress the country has made in developing the draft law. “We are glad to see the development and efforts from the government to address the importance of the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear energy through this draft law,“ he said. “We also appreciate the acknowledgement and recognition from Kuwait regarding our IAEA Legislative Assistance Programme. We stand ready to provide further assistance upon request.”
The meeting was implemented within the framework of the IAEA Legislative Assistance Programme under the Agency’s Technical Cooperation Programme.
These discussions with the IAEA are a real asset for us. There are many technical details to consider, and the deliverables of the meeting will enable us to produce effective and responsive legislation.