A nuclear security culture (NSC) is integral to the robust security regime that underpins the sustainable use of nuclear and other radioactive materials. Recognizing this, the IAEA has developed a specific NSC Programme that provides guidance, tools and expert support to assist countries in establishing, enhancing and sustaining a strong nuclear security culture among national stakeholders.
As an element of its NSC Programme, the IAEA organized and completed a three-year coordinated research project (CRP) in 2018 to develop practical tools and effective solutions to enhance nuclear security culture — the outcomes of which have been shared in IAEA publications addressing the topic.
Most recently, good practices on nuclear security culture enhancement from this CRP have been included in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series 38-T “Enhancing Nuclear Security Culture in Organization Associated with Nuclear and Other Radioactive Material”, published in 2021. Nuclear security culture self-assessment good practices are available in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series 28-T “Self-assessment of Nuclear Security Culture in Facilities and Activities”, published in 2017.
The CRP was targeted at relevant authorities, operators of nuclear facilities and those dealing with radioactive material, such as hospital staff, industrial users and transportation staff. It offered an opportunity for participants from 10 institutions across nine countries to share knowledge and experience, and learn specific examples of good practices.
Attracting researchers from Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Serbia and the USA, the CRP’s participants conducted trial NSC self-assessments for different types of organizations and facilities, and developed and tested the NSC self-assessment tool. Participants also looked at ways of enhancing education and training for NSC — including the development of a case study handbook — and other theoretical analyses combining concepts of management systems analysis and information from the IAEA nuclear security series publications relevant for NSC enhancement approaches.
They also explored the information and experiences gained from the self-assessment methodology at Indonesia’s research reactors (2012-2013), Bulgaria’s nuclear power plant (2014), and Malaysia’s medical institution for radioactive sources (2014-2016).
More detailed information about this three-year (2015-2018) CRP will be provided in the relevant IAEA TECDOC Series publications.
For further information please see the relevant CRP page.