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Call for Papers: International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning: Addressing the Past and Ensuring the Future


Participants in an IAEA decommissioning workshop, visiting the Bohunice V1 nuclear power plant in Slovakia, May 2022. (JAVYS)

Those interested in contributing papers to the IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning: Addressing the Past and Ensuring the Future, to be held from 15 to 19 May 2023 at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, have until 31 October 2022 to submit their abstracts.

Decommissioning is the final stage in the lifecycle of any nuclear or radiological facility. Sustainability and circular economy principles demand that it be implemented safely, in a cost effective and environmentally sensitive manner, and taking into account the future uses of the site. Decommissioning activities are set to ramp up over the coming years as many of the world’s 441 operational nuclear power reactors are retired.

“Previously, many programmes elected to defer dismantlement of retired facilities, but immediate dismantling is now becoming the predominant decommissioning strategy worldwide,” said Olena Mykolaichuk, Head of the IAEA’s Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Section. “National policy, often linked to sustainability considerations, is an important driver for the decommissioning of all facility types, together with an increasing tendency among plant owners to seek to discharge liabilities sooner rather than later.”

Decommissioning is a multi-disciplinary process that involves technical and non-technical aspects and requires timely and effective management and accordingly relies on the timely availability of personnel having a diverse range of skills and expertise. The conference will aim to raise awareness of the importance of addressing decommissioning as part of a sustainable future, supporting optimal use of the resources needed for implementation, enabling further development of sites, and providing relevant knowledge and inputs for new facilities under design or construction.

The conference will bring together policy makers, regulators, implementers, technical support organizations, waste management organizations, organizations which represent local community interests, industry representatives, research and academic institutions and international organizations, to discuss achievements, challenges and lessons learned in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities.

There is no registration fee, facilitating participation from a broad range of countries and programmes.

Discussions will highlight current priority needs and will provide a platform for sharing information on strategies and approaches that enhance safe, secure and cost-effective implementation of decommissioning programmes. The event will showcase the required infrastructure and institutional frameworks, current good practice in planning, preparation, implementation and completion of decommissioning projects, together with providing perspectives on enhancing decommissioning effectiveness and efficiency.

All original contributions on these topics are welcome. Those wishing to present should submit an abstract through the Conference’s web-based submission system (IAEA-INDICO). Further information, including on financial support for participation and detailed submission instructions, is available on the Conference webpage. The event will also feature exhibits and displays by organizations working in the field of decommissioning.

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