Interested contributors have until 20 January 2023 to submit abstracts for the IAEA´s International Symposium on Uranium Raw Material for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, to be held from 8 to 12 May 2023 at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
The Symposium, subtitled ‘Innovation for Sustaining Future Resources and Production’, aims to focus on all aspects of uranium raw materials for the uranium fuel cycle to ensure the long term sustainability of nuclear power programmes. The Symposium will analyze supply–demand scenarios and address the latest developments and innovations in uranium geology, exploration, mining, processing and site decommissioning.
“Based on a number of national policies for clean energy, there is an expectation for growth in nuclear power worldwide, leading to an increase in uranium demand in both the near-term and mid-term,” said Brett Moldovan, Team Leader of the IAEA Uranium Resources and Production team and Scientific Secretary for URAM-2023. “The uranium raw materials industry has had to continually seek new and innovative ways to improve efficiencies in uranium production due to sustained low uranium spot pricing. These innovations are an essential element to ensure sustainability in the industry and to meet the expected increase in uranium demand in the medium to long term future.”
Discussion topics will address the long-term sustainability of nuclear power being dependent on an adequate supply of uranium resources that can be delivered to the marketplace at competitive prices and that are also environmentally and socially acceptable. This will include developments in geological models, exploration concepts, and knowledge and technologies in the discovery and development of new uranium resources, as well as new mining and processing technologies that have the potential to support more efficient and sustainable uranium production. Other key topics that will be addressed include health, safety and social responsibilities in the uranium fuel cycle.
The conference will bring together scientists, managers, exploration and mining geologists, mineral economists, engineers, operators, regulators, community representatives, social scientists, nuclear fuel cycle and environmental specialists and young professionals to exchange information and discuss updated research and current issues related to uranium geology and deposits, exploration, mining and processing, production economics and environmental and legal issues.
All original contributions on the URAM-2023 topics are welcome. Those wishing to contribute should submit an abstract through the Symposium’s web-based submission system (IAEA-INDICO). There is no registration fee, and participation is expected from a broad range of countries and programmes. Further information, including on financial support for participation and detailed submission instructions, is available on the Symposium webpage.