The 60th General Conference of the IAEA commences on 26 September at the Agency's headquarters in Vienna, Austria. At the week-long meeting, IAEA Member States will deliberate on the Agency's work in the previous year, set priorities and review budgetary matters.
At the opening session of the Conference, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano will report on the IAEA's work and achievements since the last General Conference and also mark the major achievements of the Agency in these 60 years.
Member States representatives will also discuss and approve the 2015 IAEA Annual Report. They will consider other budgetary and financial matters, including contributions to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2017, the Agency's audited Financial Statements for 2015 and Member States' scale of the assessments for contributions towards the Regular Budget for next year. The General Conference will review progress made towards the entry into force of the Amendment to Article XIV. A of the Statute, which when accepted by two-thirds of all IAEA Member States will allow for biennial budgeting.
Delegates will discuss issues related to nuclear security, strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of IAEA safeguards, the implementation of the safeguards agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the application of safeguards in the Middle East.
The Agency's measures to strengthen cooperation in radiation, transport and waste safety, technical cooperation activities and nuclear science, technology and applications will also be discussed.
Additionally, key reports prepared by the IAEA and approved by the Board of Governors for discussion include the Nuclear Safety Review 2016; the Nuclear Security Report 2016; the Nuclear Technology Review 2016; and the Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of Agency Safeguards - Report by the Director General. The complete list of documents provided to delegates is available here.
Scientific Forum and Other Events
During the General Conference, over 30 events will showcase different aspects of the IAEA's work. These include the two-day Scientific Forum on Nuclear Technology for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Renowned experts, government representatives as well as academics from over 25 countries will participate in this year's Scientific Forum on 28 and 29 September to provide scientific and technical details on how nuclear technology can play a significant role in the achievement of many of the SDGs, especially in the fields of health, food security, energy and the environment.
This General Conference regular session will kick off activities to mark the 60th anniversary of the IAEA's establishment at special commemorative events that include a photo panel exhibition, offering a pictorial montage on the Agency's work to support peace and development through the past six decades. A reception to commemorate this landmark occasion will also be held at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna.
Other side events and exhibitions organized will highlight activities and special programmes by departments and offices at the IAEA, as well as several IAEA Member States. These include events on the latest progress in the Renovation of the Nuclear Applications Laboratories project, under which eight IAEA nuclear applications laboratories, built over 50 years ago in Seibersdorf, near Vienna, will undergo modernization to respond to global challenges in food and agriculture, human health and the environment; Recent Advances in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using Research Reactors and Accelerators; IAEA Curricula for Nuclear Medicine Professionals: Elevating Learning through Innovative Strategies; Panel Discussion on the Deliverables and Effectiveness of the Technical Cooperation Programme in Africa; Joining Efforts in the Fight against Cervical Cancer — A United Nations Joint Global Programme on Cervical Cancer; Innovative Tools for Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power.
More information on the side events and other conference-related information — including the provisional agenda — are available at the General Conference website.