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Technical Cooperation Side Events at the 60th IAEA General Conference


This year, the IAEA holds its 60th regular session of the General Conference from 26 to 30 September. To commemorate the IAEA's 60th anniversary, a number of events and activities are planned during the General Conference.

In addition to a new exhibition, meetings and signing events, the Department of Technical Cooperation will be hosting six side events during the week.

The first two side events will take place on Monday 26 September, jointly organized with the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications. Introducing Nuclear Science and Technology in Secondary Schools will present a pilot initiative to strengthen the teaching of nuclear science and technology in secondary schools in the Asia and the Pacific region through a compendium of resources and activities. Later on the same day Nuclear Techniques to Assess Breastfeeding Practices will showcase a nuclear technique that can help obtain accurate information on breastfeeding practices to validate information collected in national health surveys.

The Departments of Nuclear Sciences and Applications and Technical Cooperation will be jointly organizing a further two side events on Tuesday, 27 September. Improving the Management of Gynaecological Cancer will introduce attendees to a new app that helps physicians to provide better care to patients with gynaecological cancer. Nuclear medicine follows in the afternoon, with a side event that will showcase an initiative to enhance the value of learning activities through the IAEA Curricula for Nuclear Medicine Professionals.

Wednesday, 28 September sees the final 2 side events take place. In the morning, the Department of Technical Cooperation will provide an opportunity to discuss the deliverables and effectiveness of the technical cooperation programme in Africa, highlighting the best practices and achievements achieved during the past 10 years in the major development areas in Africa, entitled Panel Discussion on the Deliverables and Effectiveness of the Technical Cooperation Programme in Africa.  

In the afternoon, the IAEA's Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy is organizing a side event, where experts will demonstrate that optimizing investments in radiation medicine within a comprehensive framework is crucial for effectively addressing the cancer issue, especially in low and middle incomes countries. Entitled Assisting Low and Middle Income Countries to Optimize Investments in Radiation Medicine, the event will be opened by the IAEA Director General, Mr Yukiya Amano.

Finally, the Department of Technical Cooperation will present an exhibition on the ground floor of M Building, alongside the other Departments of the IAEA. Staff members will be available at the exhibition to answer any questions and to provide information on the work of the IAEA.

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