Welcome to the online exhibit of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2023! Here you will find a selection of resources and multimedia highlighting the role that nuclear science and technology can play in supporting the attainment of SDG 6 (‘Clean Water and Sanitation’), SDG 7 (‘Affordable and Clean Energy’), SDG 9 (‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’), and SDG 11 (‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’).
Atoms for Peace and Development
Water security – its availability, quality, management and protection – has become a critical issue in human development and environmental and economic sustainability, particularly in light of global population growth. The IAEA supports the attainment of SDG 6 through science-based isotope hydrology methodologies and technical training.
The IAEA helps countries meet growing energy demand for development, while improving energy security, reducing environmental and health impacts, and mitigating climate change, supporting the attainment of SDG 7. The IAEA also assists Member States in charting out their energy strategies, including whether or not to include nuclear energy.
The IAEA supports the attainment of SDG 9 by making radiation technologies available to Member States and assisting them in the peaceful use of these technologies are an important part of the IAEA’s work.
Preserving art and cultural heritage is a shared ambition of the global community, under SDG 11. The IAEA uses nuclear science and technology to characterize and preserve artefacts and thereby preserve an important part of a country’s cultural heritage.