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Technical Meeting on Electric Grid Reliability and Resilience in relation to Nuclear Power Plants

15 – 17 Oct 2019
Stockholm, Sweden
Event code: EVT1804433

The interaction between a nuclear power plant (NPP) and the national or regional electric power grid system deserves careful attention, as the electric grid has an important impact on the operation of the NPP. The purpose of technical meeting is to share operating experiences on electric gird reliability and resilience in relation to NPPs and provide Member States with an opportunity to review and comment on a draft IAEA publication on this topic. 

The meeting will focus on key areas of the design and operation of electric grid systems and NPPs and on their interface. It will address grid–NPP reliability, stability and stability needs, challenges and solutions. The aim is to provide a perspective on improving design, operation and maintenance of both NPPs and electric power grid systems to achieve reliability and resilience goals.

In particular, the meeting will offer a platform to:

  • Exchange information and to facilitate the management and coordination of grid reliability, security and availability as these relate to current or potential nuclear generation;
  • Present and discuss case studies, good practices, problems identified, and lessons learned in relation to the NPP–grid interface, maintenance of a reliable and resilient grid and relation among organizations that are responsible for grid systems and current or potential nuclear generation;
  • Provide a forum at which participants can discuss common challenges, opportunities for cooperation, concerns and issues that their countries/organizations are facing, or are likely to face, in the area of grid reliability for the safe and efficient operation of NPPs;
  • Collect feedback and input from Member States on the draft IAEA publication with the provisional title Reliability and Resilience of Electrical Power Grid System for and with Nuclear Power Plant Operation.

This technical meeting is aimed at current and future nuclear industry and grid system stakeholders, particularly NPP and grid owner/operator organizations, grid and energy planners, as well as designers, technology owners, service and equipment suppliers/vendors responsible for providing goods and services for grid systems and NPPs. The target audience also includes leaders and experts engaged in the development, implementation and maintenance of NPPs and grid systems, with a view to achieving reliable and resilient grids in their countries.

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