Previous Board Chair: 1957 to Present
- 2024-2025: Philbert Abaka Johnson, Governor from Ghana
- 2023-2024: Holger Federico Martinsen, Governor from Argentina
- 2022-2023: Ivo Sramek, Governor from the Czech Republic
- 2021-2022: Ham Sangwook, Governor from the Republic of Korea
(For the remainder of the 2021-2022 term) - 2021-2022: Mr Shin Chae Hyun, former Governor from the Republic of Korea
- 2020-2021: Heidi Alberta Hulan, Governor from Canada
- 2019-2020: Mikaela Kumlin Granit, Governor from Sweden
- 2018-2019: Leena Al-Hadid, Governor from Jordan
- 2017-2018: Darmansjah Djumala, Governor from Indonesia
- 2016-2017: Tebogo Seokolo, Governor from South Africa
- 2015-2016: Laércio Antonio Vinhas, Governor from Brazil
- 2014-2015: Marta Žiaková, Governor from Slovakia
- 2013-2014: Mr. Thiep Nguyen, Governor from Viet Nam
- 2012-2013: Mr. John Barrett, Governor from Canada
- 2012: Mr. Filippo Formica, Ambassador and Permanent Representative from Italy
(For the remainder of the 2011-2012 term) - 2011-2012: Mr. Gianni Ghisi, Governor from Italy
- 2010-2011: Mr. Ansar Parvez, Governor from Pakistan
- 2010: Mr. Dato' Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob, Governor from Malaysia
(For the remainder of the 2009-2010 term) - 2009-2010: Mr. Dato' M. H. Arshad, Governor from Malaysia
- 2008-2009: Ms. Taous Feroukhi, Governor from Algeria
- 2007-2008: Mr. Milenko E. Skoknic, Governor from Chile
- 2006-2007: Mr. Ernest Petrič, Governor from Slovenia
- 2005-2006: Mr. Yukiya Amano, Governor from Japan. Director General Appointment 2009
- 2004-2005: Ms. Ingrid Hall, Governor from Canada
- 2003-2004: Mr. Antonio Núñez García-Saúco, Governor from Spain
- 2002-2003: Ms. Nabeela Al-Mulla, Governor from Kuwait
- 2001-2002: Mr. Max Hughes, Governor from Australia
- 2000-2001: Prof. I.H. Umar, Governor from Nigeria
- 1999-2000: Mr. Sergio de Queiroz-Duarte, Governor from Brazil
- 1998-1999: Mr. Miroslav Gregoric, Governor from Slovenia
- 1997-1998: Mr. Yuji Ikeda, Governor from Japan
- 1996-1997: Mr. Peter F. Walker, Governor from Canada
- 1995-1996: Mr. Joost van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen, Governor from the Netherlands
- 1994-1995: Mr. Rajagopala Chidambaram, Governor from India
- 1993-1994: Mr. Ronald Walker, Governor from Australia
- 1992-1993: Mr. R. Lamamra, Governor from Algeria
- 1991-1992: Mr. M. Mondino, Governor from Argentina
- 1990-1991: Mr. R. Zelazny, Governor from Poland
- 1989-1990: Mr. T. Endo, Governor from Japan
- 1988-1989: Mr. M. Shenstone, Governor from Canada
- 1987-1988: Mr. R. Loosch, Governor from Federal Republic of Germany
- 1986-1987: Mr. M. A. Khan, Governor from Pakistan
- 1985-1986: Ms. Artati Sudirdjo, Governor from Indonesia
- 1984-1985: Mr. M.E. Taher Shash, Governor from Egypt
- 1983-1984: Mr. R. Rosenweig-Diaz, Governor from Mexico
- 1982-1983: Mr. E. Keblusek, Governor from Czechoslovakia
- 1981-1982: Mr. H. Ukawa, Governor from Japan
- 1980-1981: Mr. M.D. Copithorne, Governor from Canada
- 1979-1980: Mr. B. Goldschmidt, Governor from France
- 1978-1979: Mr. F.K. Kabbani, Governor from Saudi Arabia
- 1977-1978: Mr. E.H. Khor, Governor from Malaysia
- 1976-1977: Mr. A.M. Cissé, Governor from Senegal
- 1976: Mr. C. Castro Madero, Governor from Argentina
(For the remainder of the 1975-1976 term) - 1975-1976: Mr. P.E. Iraolagoitía, Governor from Argentina
- 1974-1975: Mr. N. Ivanchev, Governor from Bulgaria
- 1973-1974: Mr. N. Fujiyama, Governor from Japan
- 1972-1973: Mr. N.F.H. Berlis, Governor from Canada
- 1971-1972: Mr. C.W. Baron van Boetzelaer van Asperen, Governor from the Netherlands
- 1970-1971: Mr. V.C. Trivedi, Governor from India
- 1969-1970: Sir Philip Baxter, Governor from Australia
- 1968-1969: Mr. A. Afshar, Governor from Iran
- 1967-1968: Mr. O.A. Quihillalt, Governor from Argentina
- 1966-1967: Mr. W. Billig, Governor from Poland
- 1965-1966: Mr. S. Hogen, Governor from Japan
- 1964-1965: Ms. B.M. Meagher, Governor from Canada
- 1963-1964: Mr. C. Salvetti, Governor from Italy
- 1962-1963: Mr. I.H. Usmani, Governor from Pakistan
- 1961-1962: Mr. B.H. Hasani, Governor from Iraq
- 1960-1961: Mr. A.D. McKnight, Governor from Australia
- 1959-1960: Mr. D.B. Sole, Governor from South Africa
- 1958-1959: Mr. C.A. Bernardes, Governor from Brazil
- 1957-1958: Mr. P. Winkler, Governor from Czechoslovakia