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Webinar Series on Global Progress Towards Sustainable Endpoint Solutions for High-Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Department of Nuclear Energy, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy, and the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) are co-hosting a webinar series showcasing the global progress towards providing endpoints for the management of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.

This endeavour - which began over 60 years ago with early studies such as the one published by the US National Academy of Sciences report on The Disposal of Radioactive Waste on Land (1957) - has seen steady global progress over the past decades. Several IAEA Member States are moving through their siting process, with the most advanced approaching licensing, construction or operation of their geological disposal facilities.

Today, national programmes around the world can refer to an extensive body of knowledge providing the scientific and technological basis for storage and geological disposal. These programmes also provide numerous examples of how to obtain and sustain a social license while siting, constructing and operating interim storage facilities and geological disposal facilities.  There is shared recognition that five key elements are required to implement a successful programme:

  1. Effective governance and oversight.
  2. Enforceable legal framework.
  3. Assured funding over time.
  4. Robust scientifical and technical basis for safe and effective implementation.
  5. A willing host community which reflects social license1/ with active and meaningful stakeholder engagement and support.

This webinar series will allow to share experiences from a range of Member States’ national programmes and to learn how these key elements are being incorporated for successful implementation of both advanced and emerging disposal programmes. It will bring together subject matter experts, policymakers at all levels of government, regulators and implementors to leverage expertise, facilitate mutual learning, and develop a path forward based on lessons learned.

Webinars will be open to the public, providing opportunities for audience engagement and Q&A. 

The webinar series will be designed with representatives of leading and (re)emerging programmes around the world, and specific webinar topics, speakers and scheduling will be announced on this page.

Webinar topics will include:

  • Restarting the Siting Process for High Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Disposal (Thursday, 14 November, 17:00 CET)
  • Why Providing High Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Disposal is Important to New Nuclear Power Development
  • Progress in advanced programmes: Canada, Finland, France, Sweden and Switzerland
  • How to start the conversation on the right foot and how to learn and decide together
  • An Introduction to the U.S. Consent-Based Siting Initiative and how does consent based siting and new nuclear tie together
  • The science and engineering of each national programme: a robust basis for safe and effective implementation
  • Effective governance and oversight of the national programme
  • Long term liabilities: costing and funding for a national geological disposal programme and the relative cost for storage until disposal


1/ The measure of how well a company, industry, or project is perceived by stakeholders as legitimate and socially acceptable.

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