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How the IAEA helps ensure that nuclear energy is sustainable [Russian]

Date and Time

Thursday, 8 December 2022
09:00 CEST

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With global energy demand constantly rising, nuclear energy can help ensure access to affordable, reliable, and low carbon energy. For the sustainable development of nuclear energy, IAEA Member States initiated the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) in 2000.

The event aims to raise awareness and foster understanding of the concept of the sustainable nuclear energy development and strategic nuclear energy planning issues and challenges as practiced and promoted by INPRO.

This webinar was prepared for for the Russian speaking countries, using the materials from the INPRO webinar held on 5 July 2022.

The programme of the webinar will include the following topics:

  • Achieving sustainable nuclear energy development
  • INPRO Methodology for sustainability assessment of nuclear energy systems
  • Nuclear energy development strategies and role of innovations
  • Formation of competencies in the field of strategic planning for sustainable nuclear energy deployment


  • Vladimir Artisyuk, ROSATOM
  • Alexander Bychkov, IAEA
  • Yuliya Chernyakhovskaya, Rusatom Service
  • Mikhail Khoroshev, IAEA
  • Andrey Kosilov, Regional Network for Education and Training in Nuclear Technology STAR-NET


Maxim Gladyshev, IAEA

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