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Decarbonizing and Adapting the Cotton-to-Clothing Value Chain Through Multisectoral Partnerships

11–22 November 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan

12 November 2024

Time: 10:30-12:00 (GMT +4) | Location: Pakistan Pavilion

Cotton, grown in over 100 countries, is central to global trade and provides livelihoods for millions, especially in developing regions. However, the cotton-to-clothing value chain has a substantial environmental impact, by generating GHG emissions and relying heavily on non-renewable resources. This event will highlight how innovative technologies, models and policies can help decarbonize this sector and build resilience to climate change, aligning with initiatives like the Fashion Industry Charter. It will also showcase the “Cotton Partnership,” a multi-stakeholder effort designed to unlock the potential of sustainable cotton in C4+ countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali) and success stories from Azerbaijan and Pakistan in the cotton sector. 


  • Mr. Sarvan Jafarov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Azerbaijan
  • HE Dicko Amadou, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Burkina Faso
  • Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, IAEA
  • Mr. Qu Dongyu, Director General, FAO
  • Ms. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General, WTO
  • Mr. Ciyong Zou, Deputy to the Director-General and Managing Director of the Directorate of Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Industrial Development, UNIDO
  • Mr. Nazeem Noordali, Chief Operating Officer, ITFC
  • Ms. Imtinen Hamlaoui, Sustainability manager, ARISE Group


Sabir Safarov  

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