Guidance Documents
The following IAEA publications and documents may be useful to States implementing comprehensive safeguards agreements and additional protocols.
The documents cover three areas of Safeguards implementation:
- General Implementation of IAEA Safeguards
- Implementation of the Additional Protocol
- Implementation of the Small Quantities Protocol
General Safeguards Implementation
- Safeguards Implementation Practices Guide on Provision of Information to the IAEA (IAEA Services Series 33)
- Guidance for States Implementing Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols (IAEA Services Series 21- Updated)
-- Arabic | French | Russian | Spanish - Safeguards Implementation Practices Guide on Establishing and Maintaining State Safeguards Infrastructure (IAEA Services Series 31)
- Safeguards Implementation Practices Guide on Facilitating IAEA Verification Activities (IAEA Services Series 30)
- Nuclear Material Accounting Handbook (IAEA Services Series 15)
- ISSAS Guidelines - Reference Report for IAEA SSAC Advisory Service (IAEA Services Series 13)