Economic Impact

The region has two livestock production systems, one highly specialized focused on the export of animal products and lately of live animals. The other is the family livestock production widely distributed in all countries, which contribute to reinforce the food security and poverty alleviation. This parasitosis affects all animals and frequently humans (disabled persons) especially in the poor rural areas.

The economic losses from living with the disease in South America and the Caribbean are substantial and the advantage of having a proven, effective and environmentally friendly technology for its elimination clearly shows the convenience of undertaking a NWS eradication programme which also has a very favourable cost-benefit ratio.

In the framework of the project an economic feasibility study was elaborated by international experts that shall serve as a reference and decision-making document to countries interested in the establishment of a National NWS Eradication Programme.

For more information on this topic, please consult the Economic Feasibility Study for the Eradication of the Myiasis Caused by the New World Screwworm in South America (in Spanish).

The Tool to Evaluate the Economic Feasibility of Eradicating the Myiasis caused by the New World Screwworm in South America complements the Economic Feasibility Study with the aim to facilitate the adaptation of the economic model to the particular conditions of each country of the South American sub-region. The User Manual provides the general indications for the use of the Tool.

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