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Strengthening Coordination: Webinar on the Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan – Perspectives from Mauritania and Philippines
The Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan (INSSP) is a voluntary tool that provides States with a systematic and comprehensive framework for reviewing their nuclear security regimes and identifying areas where they need to be strengthened.
The INSSP development process facilitates the identification, consolidation and prioritization of the nuclear security needs of an individual State into a document. This information describes the current status of an individual State’s nuclear security regime and sets out recommendations for improvements to nuclear security. The INSSP also provides a customized framework for coordinating and implementing nuclear security activities conducted by the individual State, the IAEA and potential international partners.
The value of the INSSP for States in strengthening their nuclear security regimes is widely recognized, and to date 112 States have developed an INSSP.
This webinar is the second of two webinars that reflect on lessons learned from 15 years of implementation of the INSSP, since the first Plans were approved in 2006. Each webinar will focus on the perspectives of States and the lessons learned from the development and implementation of their INSSPs.
The purpose of this webinar is to:
- Provide an overview of IAEA support to Member States through the INSSP and how it contributes to strengthened national coordination.
- Provide practical examples from Member States on ways an establishment of a national nuclear security coordinating body facilitates information exchange, internal coordination, optimization of resources to further strengthen and enhance national nuclear security regime.