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Communication and advocacy through real estate
Presenter: Phillip Ray Gibson
Date of broadcast: 5 April 2018, 4 pm CEST
Organized jointly with the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD)
About the webinar
Radon levels in homes or buildings may impact real estate transactions. If better radon information is provided, buyers and sellers can make informed decisions. In this webinar, a radon expert will present a partnership between a state governmental entity that regulates the state’s licensure program for real estate brokers, and private sector entities.
The webinar will provide an example of a partnership and customized communication mechanism from the United States. The expert will describe effective ways of delivering appropriate messages on radon, a principle stated also in the IAEA guidance, Protection of the Public against Exposure Indoors due to Radon and Other Natural Sources of Radiation.
This online lecture will also provide more background on the catalyst that led to the successful partnership: the 2015 recognition of radon as a priority for the state’s cancer oversight organization, The North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control.
Learning objectives
- To better understand the impact of health guidance on other market sectors;
- To increase knowledge of partnership opportunities, even with private sector entities;
- To increase knowledge of leveraging partnerships to communicate messages.
About the presenter
Phillip Ray Gibson resides and works in Asheville, North Carolina as the coordinator of the North Carolina Radon Program. This position is within the NC Department of Health and Human Services' Radiation Protection Program. The duties of his position are non-regulatory. His work is intended to build collaborations and partnerships that improve the knowledge of the residents in North Carolina about why and how to test for radon as well as how to resolve high levels of radon. Furthermore, the NC Radon Program guides North Carolina residents to professionals in the radon industry as the source for testing and lowering high levels of radon. Mr Gibson is a member of the CRCPD’s E-25 Committee on Radon.