Activities related to Bonn Call for Action

Several international organizations and associations launched specific actions to support 10 proposed actions in the Bonn Call for Action:

World Health Organization (WHO)

The International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine: Setting the Scene for the Next Decade, organized by the IAEA and hosted by the Government of Germany, in Bonn, Germany, December 2012, was co-sponsored by the WHO. It had a specific purpose of identifying responsibilities and a proposal for priorities for stakeholders regarding radiation protection in medicine for the next decade. The IAEA and the WHO released the Joint Statement identifying the main actions considered to be essential for the strengthening of radiation protection in medicine.

​​​​​​​European Commission (EC)

Under the Euratom Treaty, the European Commission is responsible for the protection of patients and other individuals in the medical practice. It does this by consistently updating the Basic Safety Standards Directive which regulates, among others, the safe use of ionising radiation in medical applications. The Commission also issues non-binding recommendations and communications, such as the Commission's Communication from 2010 on Medical applications of ionising radiation and security of supply of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine. The European Commission has issued publications on radiation protection of patients since 1976, including key areas covered by the Bonn Call for Action, such as education and training, referral guidelines for imaging, diagnostic reference levels and prevention of medical radiation incidents and accidents.

International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP)

IOMP utilizes several mechanisms to promote Bonn Call for Action. One of the main mechanism is using International day of Medical Physics (IDMP), Latest News section on IOMP website to promote the call, and specific activities for all ten actions of the Call.

International Society of Radiology (ISR)

The International Commission on Radiological Quality and Safety (ICRQS), a Standing Committee of the International Society of Radiology (ISR), issues Quality News which provides radiology-related information. Recently, this has included information on Bonn Call for Action implementation, by ISR and other organizations

International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT)

The subcommittee of the ISRRT Board has formulated an ISRRT response to the Bonn Call for Action. They have reviewed the ISRRT previous and current activities linked to the Bonn Call for Action as well as determining various suggested actions which are deemed necessary in the future when planning ISRRT activities. In January 2015, the ISSRT Action Plan to Bonn Call for Action describing the key strategies and priorities was released.

United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)

The Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) has launched in August 2014 its new Global Medical Exposure Survey by inviting the UN Member States to nominate national contact persons - via official channels - to coordinate, at country level, the collection and submission of data on radiation exposure of workers, the general public and patients. UNSCEAR uses an online platform, which fosters secure submission, exchange and archiving of data. With this survey, UNSCEAR implements Action 6 of the recent Bonn Call for Action.

European Society of Radiology (ESR)

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) has launched a flagship initiative called EuroSafe Imaging in March 2014. It promotes quality and safety in medical imaging by strengthening medical radiation protection across Europe following a holistic, inclusive approach.

EuroSafe Imaging has committed itself to the Bonn Call for Action by issuing the EuroSafe Imaging Call for Action. This 12-point action plan aims to achieve EuroSafe Imaging’s objectives of promoting appropriateness in radiological imaging, employing diagnostic reference levels, using the ALARA principle and promoting the use of up-to-date equipment, empowering patients, and joining forces with various stakeholders.

Head of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authority (HERCA)

The Head of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authority (HERCA) working group on medical applications has produced a Position Paper on Individual Health Assessment (IHA) that was accepted by the Board at the occasion of its 2012 spring meeting in Cordoba. This document offers a very clear distinction between IHA and regular health screening programs. These efforts have contributed to the explicit addressing of IHA in the Bonn Call for Action.

In July 2014, HERCA published on its website a Position Paper on Justification of Individual Medical Exposures for Diagnosis. This paper intends to provide clarity in the regulator’s approach to roles and responsibilities concerning justification and considered a number of factors associated with the justification process. The approach outlined in this HERCA document is consistent with the IAEA “triple A” scheme and the Bonn Call for Action.

​​​​​​​World Dental Federation (FDI)

The World Dental Federation (FDI) adopted the “Radiation Safety in Dentistry” policy statement at the September 2014 FDI General Assembly in New Delhi, India. The policy statement came out of the Bonn Call for Action and emphasizes justification and optimization while outlining specific means by which dental offices can minimize radiation exposure.

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Many of the actions proposed by the Bonn conference are areas where US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made efforts and contributions. The overview of selected FDA actions and sub-actions highlights areas where FDA is participating actively to implement the Bonn Call for Action.

Among others, FDA is actively engaged with standards development organizations (IEC) and industry organizations (Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance) to introduce safety features into the national and international standards for medical devices. These include CT Dose Check, access controls for CT devices, and a user quality control mode for fluoroscopy equipment, all of which were developed by industry with input from FDA.


AFROSAFERAD is a campaign made by radiation health workers to unite and address safety issues that arise from the use of radiation in medicine in Africa. This campaign is based on the Joint position statement by the IAEA and WHO known as the Bonn Call for Action.

The AFROSAFERAD campaign was launched at the 8th Biennial Pan African Congress of Radiology and Imaging (PACORI) in February 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. This campaign has declared that the AFROSAFERADshall encourage adherence to standards, policies, strategies and activities for the promotion of radiation safety and for maximization of benefits from radiological medical procedures.

The AFROSAFERAD Implementation Matrix Tool booklet gives an outline of the various activities that will guide African countries towards the successful delivery of this campaign.