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Advances in Radiation Oncology

Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Vienna, Austria, 27–29 April 2009

Proceedings series (International Atomic Energy Agency. CD-ROM)

English STI/PUB/1485 ¦ 978-92-0-161710-1

¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2011

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This CD-ROM contains the proceedings of an IAEA sponsored conference which was held to review the current role and potential of clinical, technological and molecular/biological innovations for their incorporation into routine practice of radiation oncology. In particular,these technological developments are put into perspective and into the context of the priorities of low and middle income countries for improving cancer care. The main purpose of the conference was the exchange of information on current advances in radiation oncology, including discussion of future challenges and directions in the clinical use of radiotherapy; application of improved imaging tools in treatment planning and the roles of altered fractionation, modern brachytherapy, proton and heavy particle beams; education; and cost considerations. The CD-ROM provides an updated overview of advanced technologies from the perspective of developing countries.

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