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Management of Reprocessed Uranium Current Status and Future Prospects


English IAEA-TECDOC-CD-1529 ¦ 92-0-114606-X

¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2007

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There is worldwide interest in developing advanced and innovative technologies for nuclear fuel cycles, minimizing waste and environmental impacts. As of the beginning of 2003, about 171000 tonnes heavy metal spent nuclear fuel is in storage, while smaller amounts have been reprocessed. In several countries, including France, India, Japan and the Russian Federation, spent fuel has been viewed as a national energy resource. Some countries hold reprocessed uranium as the result of their commercial reprocessing service contracts for reprocessing the spent fuel of others. Reprocessed uranium has a potential value for recycling either directly or after appropriate treatment. This report analyses the existing options, approaches and developments in the management of reprocessed uranium. It encompasses the technical issues involved in managing reprocessed uranium, such as RepU arisings, storage, chemical conversion, re-enrichment, fuel fabrication, reactor irradiation, subsequent reprocessing and disposal options.

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