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Managing Nuclear Knowledge: Strategies and Human Resource Development

Summary of an International Conference Held in Saclay, France, 7–10 September 2004

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/1235 ¦ 92-0-110005-1

58 pages ¦ € 80.00 ¦ Date published: 2006

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This conference provided a forum for professionals and decision makers in the nuclear sector, comprising industry, governments and academia as well as professionals in the knowledge management and information technology sectors. The goals of the conference were: to exchange information and share experience on nuclear knowledge management, comprising strategies, information management and human resource development, and to identify lessons learned and to embark on the development of new initiatives and concepts for nuclear knowledge management in IAEA Member States.
Keynote papers delivered by leading experts in the field, industrial leaders and governmental officials covered important aspects of nuclear knowledge management, and the sessions were devoted to: covering managing and preserving nuclear knowledge; managing nuclear information; human resources for the nuclear sector; and networking education and training.

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