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Effective Corrective Actions to Enhance Operational Safety of Nuclear Installations


English IAEA-TECDOC-1458 ¦ 92-0-107705-X

60 pages ¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2005

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Implementing corrective actions and ensuring their effectiveness is one of the major steps of an operating experience feedback programme. In April 2003, the IAEA issued the peer review operational safety performance experience review (PROSPER) guidelines to provide advice and assistance to nuclear installations to strengthen and enhance their own operating experience programmes. The present publication develops the principles set forth in the PROSPER guidelines. It contains recommendations and good practices from the industry for successfully establishing effective corrective actions and preventing recurrence of events. It also provides a detailed methodology for effectively correcting and preventing recurrence of human errors. Use of the guidance provided by this publication will be helpful in prioritizing and implementing corrective actions in a timely manner that is compatible with the frequency and significance of the issue. These guidelines contain provisions to track the effectiveness of corrective actions following implementation and to periodically assess the overall performance of the corrective action programme.

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