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Fusion Energy 2004

20th IAEA Proceedings of an International Conference held in Vilamoura, Portugal, 1–6 November 2004

C&S Papers Series (CD-ROM) 25

English IAEA-CSP-25/CD ¦ 92-0-100405-2

¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2005

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This publication is the CD-ROM proceedings of the 20th International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Fusion Energy Conference (FEC). More than 600 delegates representing 33 countries and three international organizations attended. The scientific experimental and theoretical papers have been grouped with respect to the following themes: overview of magnetic and inertial fusion, advanced scenarios and steady state, edge localized modes, fusion technology, transport theory, beta limits, hybrid scenarios, 11-mode and transport, ITER, Alfvèn modes and wave heating, operational limits and momentum transport, energetic particles and stability, neoclassical tearing modes, transport and turbulence, inertial fusion, configuration effects and transport, and plasma–wall interaction.

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