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Improving Artificial Breeding of Cattle in Africa Guidelines and Recommendations


English IAEA-TECDOC-1437 ¦ 92-0-100705-1

72 pages ¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2005

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This manual of protocols, procedures, guidelines and recommendations was produced under an IAEA Technical Cooperation Project on improving and increasing milk and meat production. It is the result of interactive collaboration between the national coordinators of the project, several experts in artificial insemination (AI) in the participating Member States, two IAEA experts who assisted with the project and the technical officer from the Joint FAO/IAEA Division. The manual is intended for livestock specialists involved in the provision of AI services to cattle farmers in Africa, including those in ministries of agriculture/livestock, departments of livestock and veterinary services, AI centres, semen distribution centres and field level AI service points. It is also a useful resource for teachers and students in faculties of veterinary and animal sciences, and those involved in the training of AI technicians.

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