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Optimization of the Radiological Protection of Patients Undergoing Radiography, Fluoroscopy and Computed Tomography


English IAEA-TECDOC-1423 ¦ 92-0-113504-1

120 pages ¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2004

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National surveys in the UK and USA have indicated that there are large variations in patient doses for routine radiographic examinations, sometimes as high as 20 times or more. This indicates that variations in developing countries, where there may also be older machines or poor maintenance facilities, should be a matter of concern. This publication contains the results of a coordinated research project carried out in countries in eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. Considerable variations were observed in general radiography. The experience with optimization indicated significant reductions in patient dose with acceptable image quality consistent with the clinical purpose of the examination. The methodology, based on patient dose measurements, comparison with reference values, assessment of image quality, the introduction of quality control (QC) and corrective actions, wherever needed, and re-evaluation of patient doses and image quality, has demonstrated its effectiveness for the optimization of radiation protection programmes. This publication also contains the results of a situation analysis of patient doses and QC status in fluoroscopy and in computed tomography.

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