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Methods for Maintaining a Record of Waste Packages During Waste Processing and Storage

Technical Reports Series No. 434

English STI/DOC/010/434 ¦ 92-0-114704-X

37 pages ¦ 2 figures ¦ € 35.00 ¦ Date published: 2005

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During processing, radioactive waste is converted into waste packages and sent for storage and ultimately for disposal. A principal condition for acceptance of a waste package for storage or disposal is its full compliance with waste acceptance criteria for disposal or storage. To declare compliance of a waste package with waste acceptance criteria, a system for generating and maintaining records should be established to record and track all relevant information, from raw waste characteristics, through changes related to waste processing, up to final checking and verification of waste package parameters. Records generated during waste processing are a constituent part of the more complex system of waste management record keeping, covering the entire life cycle of radioactive waste from generation to disposal and even the post-closure period of a disposal facility. The IAEA is systematically working on the preparation of a set of publications to assist its Member States in the development and implementation of such a system. This report covers all the principal aspects of the establishment and maintenance of records during waste processing and storage.

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