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Energy and Nuclear Power Planning Study for Armenia


English IAEA-TECDOC-1404 ¦ 92-0-109204-0

280 pages ¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2004

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This report describes the outcome of a successfully completed National Technical Cooperation Project, ARM/0/004, entitled Energy and Nuclear Power Planning Study (ENPP) for Armenia, covering the period up to 2020. The main objectives of the project were to contribute to the development of a national energy master plan and assess the future role of nuclear power in Armenia by providing proven methodologies and building institutional capacities for analysing different energy options, and to perform an ENPP study. Assisted by the IAEA, a team of local experts conducted the study over a period of two years. The national team conducted a very detailed analysis of the energy issues, and constructed and evaluated various scenarios for future development of the energy sector in Armenia, using the IAEA’s energy planning models. Finally, recommendations on future energy projects and policy were prepared which were used by the national authorities in the formulation of the ENPP for Armenia.

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