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Country Nuclear Power Profiles

2002 Edition

Non-serial Publications

English IAEA-CNPP/2002/CD ¦ 92-0-110103-1

¦ € 89.50 ¦ Date published: 2003

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This is the fourth edition of Country Nuclear Power Profiles and, in addition to the established 35 nuclear countries, includes Indonesia, which is involved with nuclear power programme planning. Also covered is background information on the status and development of nuclear power programmes in countries having operational nuclear plants and/or plants under construction as of 1 January 2002. It reviews the organizational and industrial aspects of nuclear power programmes in participating countries for the same period and provides information about the relevant legislative, regulatory, and international framework in each country. It also compiles the changes in the new environment of the electricity and the nuclear sector, i.e. the impact of privatization and deregulation on these sectors, a situation that differs from country to country.

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