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Intercomparison of PIXE Spectrometry Software Packages (including companion diskette)


English IAEA-TECDOC-1342 ¦ 92-0-101203-9

72 pages ¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 2003

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During the year 2000, an exercise was organized to make a similar intercomparison of widely available software packages for analysis of particle induced X ray emission (PIXE) spectra. This publication describes the method used in this intercomparison exercise and presents the results obtained. It also gives a general overview of the participating software packages. No recommendation for a particular software package or method for spectrum analysis is given. It is intended that the readers reach their own conclusions and make their own choices, according to their specific needs. This publication will be useful to anyone involved in PIXE spectrum analysis. It includes a companion CD with the complete set of test spectra used for intercomparison. The test spectra on this CD can be used to test any PIXE spectral analysis software package.

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