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The Safe Management of Sources of Radiation: Principles and Strategies

A Report by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group

INSAG Series No. 11

English STI/PUB/1080 ¦ 92-0-102199-2

27 pages ¦ € 11.00 ¦ Date published: 1999

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This INSAG report deals with the general principles governing the safety of all sources of radiation and with the application of these principles. It seeks to demonstrate that, at the conceptual level, the distinction traditionally made between nuclear safety and radiation protection is not justified. This report is primarily intended for the non-specialist who needs to take decisions about the safe management of sources of radiation and who wishes to gain a better understanding of the approach followed in managing the safety of these sources.

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INSAG, Radiation Sources and Accelerators, Safety Measures, Nuclear Safety, Radiation Protection, Recommendations, Safety Standards, Reactor Safety, International Cooperation, Nuclear Power Plants, Risk Management, Accidents, Information Dissemination, Nuclear Facilities, International Nuclear Safety Group, Materials Handling

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