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Safe Enclosure of Shutdown Nuclear Installations

Technical Reports Series No. 375

English STI/DOC/010/375 ¦ 92-0-100495-8

112 pages ¦ 11 figures ¦ € 26.00 ¦ Date published: 1995


This publication gives a concise description of factors (safety-related, technical and economical) that are relevant to the selection of a decommissioning strategy, with particular reference to the safe enclosure option as a precursor to the dismantling of a nuclear installation. It is complemented by data on selected shut down installations. Aspects such as radioactive inventory, reasons for the chosen decommissioning strategy and systems kept operational or on stand-by are highlighted.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Objective; 3. Scope; 4. Structure; 5. Considerations influencing the choice of decommissioning strategy; 6. General overview of strategies and regulatory considerations; 7. Radiological considerations in safe enclosure; 8. Preparation for safe enclosure; 9. Management of safe enclosure; 10. Public safety and environmental aspects; 11. Summary and conclusions; Appendix: Problems of the application of safe enclosure in relation to various plant conditions; Annex A. Description of selected cases of safe enclosure.

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