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Decommissioning Techniques for Research Reactors

Technical Reports Series No. 373

English STI/DOC/010/373 ¦ 92-0-104094-6

107 pages ¦ 13 figures ¦ € 29.00 ¦ Date published: 1994


This is the first report published by the IAEA which provides guidance on the preparation and implementation of the decommissioning of different types of research reactor. Different construction and operational features of research reactors have a major impact on the decommissioning techniques required. This report offers information on the conclusions drawn from a number of completed projects and identifies their similarities and differences. It is complemented by a computerized research reactor databank. Staff requirements, decommissioning costs waste activity are presented graphically according to reactor thermal power and integrated energy.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Classification of research reactors; 3. Responsibilities and stages of decommissioning; 4. Planning and management of decommissioning; 5. Regulatory aspects; 6. Technical aspects applicable to all types of research reactor; 7. Considerations specific to different types of research reactor; 8. Safety aspects; 9. Waste management; 10. Quality assurance; 11. Summary and conclusions; Appendix I: Reported research reactor decommissioning projects; Appendix II: Detailed data from research reactor decommissioning projects; Appendix III: Examples of the lessons learned from research reactor decommissioning projects.

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