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Planning and Operation of Low Level Waste Disposal FacilitiesProceedings of an International Conference in Vienna, Austria, 17-21 June 1996

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/1002 ¦ 92-0-104496-8

601 pages ¦ 124 figures ¦ € 125.00 ¦ Date published: 1997


Proceedings of a symposium on Experience in the Planning and Operation of Low Level Waste Disposal Facilities, Vienna, 17-21 June 1996. During the past 30 to 40 years extensive experience has been gained in planning, siting, designing, licensing, constructing, operating and closing down various types of low level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal facilities. The purpose of this symposium was to facilitate the information transfer process on experience gained. Past disposal practices and attempts to define adequate approaches for LLW disposal in developing countries were addressed at an open discussion. Finding less expensive ways of managing very low level waste, as well as the reassessment of past disposal practices, remediation and procedures in the post-operational phase were considered as areas of importance. Difficulties in the implementation of LLW disposal plans were also discussed. Contents: Keynote address; Regulation and licensing; Infrastructure and planning; Siting; Disposal systems and operation; Safety assessment; Post-operation; Poster presentations.

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