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Electricity and the Environment

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/877 ¦ 92-0-150091-2

¦ € 94.50 ¦ Date published: 1991


Proceedings of a Senior Expert symposium jointly organized by CEC, CMEA, ECE, IAEA, IEA, IIASA, OECD/NEA, UNEP, IBRO, WHO, and WMO, in co-operation with the Government of Finland, Helsinki, 13–17 May 1991. The objective of the symposium was to provide a comprehensive assessment of the environmental and health factors as well as the economic factors involved in supplying electricity services, and to suggest a framework within which these issues should be taken into account in making future plans and decisions on electricity production and use. The potential role of different ways of meeting electricity service requirements was also analysed, taking into consideration both demand side and supply options in the light of their comparative economic, environmental and health related impacts.
Contents: Opening session; Energy and electricity supply and demand: Implications for the global environment; Energy sources and technologies for electricity generation; Comparative environmental and health effects of different energy systems for electricity generation; Incorporation of environmental and health impacts into policy, planning and decision making for the electricity sector; Luncheon sessions; Policy aspects of electricity and the environment; Key issues and findings and round table on challenges for international co-operation.

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