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Radiation Protection Infrastructure

Proceedings Series - International Atomic Energy Agency

English STI/PUB/840 ¦ 92-0-020390-6

¦ € 99.00 ¦ Date published: 1990


Proceedings of a symposium, Munich, 7–11 May 1990. The expanding application of ionizing radiation in medicine, industry and research calls for vigorous promotion of effective radiation protection efforts, not only to prevent any unsafe practices but also to assess correctly and provide authoritative information on the safety of adopted practices. The purpose of the symposium was to review experience gained in Member States with existing infrastructures for ensuring radiation safety and to discuss how safety standards could most effectively be applied in the national context.
Contents: Regulation and licensing; National infrastructures; Education and training; Personnel dosimetry services; Control programmes; Services and special issues; International activities; Panel: The role of the IAEA in strengthening radiation protection infrastructures.

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