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Measurement of the Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio in Atmospheric CH4 Using Laser Spectroscopy for CH4 Source Characterization


English IAEA-TECDOC-2066 ¦ 978-92-0-130424-7

94 pages ¦ 21 figures ¦ € 30.00 ¦ Date published: 2024


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Atmospheric methane is the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. The present atmospheric burden of methane is unprecedented in the last 800,000 years and has almost tripled since the onset of the industrial revolution. Arising from an interregional technical cooperation project aiming to assist countries in building capacity in stable isotopes analysis of atmospheric greenhouse gases and accurately determine their source, this publication provides high-level guidance to laboratories that are new to the use of optical instruments to measure methane and its stable carbon isotope ratios. The publication covers analytical infrastructure, sampling strategies, as well as techniques for measurement, calibration, data processing analysis and interpretation. Further emphasis is on technical solutions that ensure that observations are accurate and comparable, as well as on sustainable data management techniques, and quality control procedures, to maximize the impact of newly generated data.

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Measurement, Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio, Atmospheric CH4, Laser Spectroscopy, CH4 Source Characterization, Atmospheric Methane, Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas, Carbon Dioxide, Interregional Technical Cooperation Project, Building Capacity, Stable Isotopes Analysis, Optical Instruments, Analytical Infrastructure, Sampling Strategies, Techniques for Measurement, Calibration, Data Processing Analysis, Interpretation, Technical Solutions, Sustainable Data Management Techniques, Quality Control Procedures, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, State of Art, Data Quality Objectives, DQOS, Assessment of Analyser Performance, Optical Analyser, Laboratory Design, Supplies, Comprehensive Review, Tools for Assessing Data Quality, Data Interpretation, Traceability, Variation of Methane, Global Atmosphere, CH4 Observations, Comparability, Compatibility, Representativeness, DQO Criterion, Observation Goals, Allan Variance, Gas Matrix Effects, Calibration Gases, Mole Fractions, Calibration Gas Categories, Practical Considerations, Sampling and Measurement Systems, Flask or Bag Systems, Vessels for Discrete Air Sampling, Data Processing Protocols, Measurement Sequences, Raw Data Handling, Automated Data Processing, Measurement Calibration Protocol, Assess Instrument Variables, Laboratory Reproducibility, Performance Chart, Review

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