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Safety of Uranium Fuel Fabrication Facilities

Specific Safety Guide

IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-6 (Rev. 1)
Specific Safety Guides

English STI/PUB/2015 ¦ 978-92-0-127622-3

81 pages ¦ 1 figure ¦ € 44.00 ¦ Date published: 2023

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This Safety Guide provides specific recommendations on the safety of uranium fuel fabrication facilities and describes the actions, conditions and procedures for meeting safety requirements. It deals specifically with the handling, processing and storage of low enriched uranium that has a uranium 235 concentration of no more than 6%, derived from natural, highly enriched or reprocessed uranium. This publication is a revision by amendment of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-6. It addresses the new safety requirements established by IAEA Safety Standards SSR-4, Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities, which incorporates the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

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IAEA Safety Standards, Safety, Uranium, Fuel Fabrication Facilities, Uranium as Fuel, Nuclear Facilities, Safety Measures, Nuclear Fuels, Hazards, Management System, Verification System, Management Responsibility, Process Implementation, Measurement, Assessment, Evaluation, Design, Construction Stage, Decommissioning, Safety Functions, Safety Aspects, Analysis, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Radioactive Waste, Liquid Effluents, Commissioning, Operation, Staffing, Training of Personnel, Maintenance, Ageing Management, Radiation Protection, Industrial Chemical Safety, Operating Experience, Feedback, Structures, Systems and Components, Parameters, Defining Operational Limits, Recommendations, Periodic Testing, Criticality Control, Process Routes, Review, Low Enriched Uranium, 235 Concentration

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