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Fundamentals of Magnetic Fusion Technology

Non-serial Publications

English STI/PUB/1945 ¦ 978-92-0-110721-3

750 pages ¦ 327 figures ¦ € 80.00 ¦ Date published: 2023

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This high level text book is written for graduate students focussing on fusion technology, as well as for established plasma physicists and others working in the field and requiring a comprehensive overview. The need for an integrated and international fusion education programme is further motivated by the increasingly important role of industry in fusion research and development (R&D). Over the coming decades fusion R&D will shift from being science-driven and laboratory-based towards a technology-driven, industry-based venture. Significant innovation is and will be required in some areas, such as breeding blanket technology, plasma-facing and structural materials, superconducting magnets, microwave sources, high power beam sources, remote handling, control technology and fuelling and pumping systems. Furthermore, the transition will focus on technologies and standards associated with the ‘nuclearization of fusion’ which has consequences for the required competences of the workforce. The main objective of this publication is to contribute to the consolidation and better exploitation of the achievements already reached in the past to tackle the present challenges in preparing the workforce in the different areas, with special attention to continuous professional development and life-long learning. It includes chapters on fusion technology relevant to diagnostics, confinement and plasma control, as well as ones dedicated to plasma heating and current drive technology, plasma facing components, neutronics, reactor materials, vacuum pumping and fuelling, tritium handling and remote maintenance.

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Fundamentals of Magnetic Fusion Technology, Nuclear Fusion, Thermonuclear Reactors, Fusion Reactors, Present Challenges, Continuous Professional Development, Life-Long Learning, Plasma Diagnostics, Magnetic Confinement, Plasma Control, Data Analysis, Plasma Heating, Current Drive Technology, Plasma Facing Components, Fusion Neutronics, Reactor Materials, Vacuum Pumping, Fuelling, Tritium Handling and Tritium Plants, Remote Maintenance, Coupling, Transport, Stellarators

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