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Management of Severely Damaged Nuclear Fuel and Related Waste

Technical Reports Series No. 321

English STI/DOC/010/321 ¦ 92-0-125191-2

¦ € 20.50 ¦ Date published: 1991

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This report provides a comprehensive review of management insights and principles on on-site, post-accident activities at nuclear power plants experiencing significant fuel damage. It combines information on emergency response procedures and off-site plans with a discussion of on-site experience. lt provides a reference text on the requirements that arise after the critical phase of emergency response.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Strategic planning; 3. Stabilizing the fuel; 4. Data management and analysis; 5. Initial waste management; 6. Initial decontamination; 7. Fuel removal; 8. Fuel conditioning, transport and interim storage; 9. Abnormal waste; Conditioning to disposal; 10. Preparation for the decommissioning of fuel damaged plants; 11. Conclusions; Annex A: Nuclear Power Plant A-1 (Czechoslovakia) experience.

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