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Nuclear Fuel Cycle in the 1990s and Beyond the Century

Some Trends and Foreseeable Problems

Technical Reports Series No. 305

English STI/DOC/010/305 ¦ 92-0-155589-X

¦ € 30.50 ¦ Date published: 1989


This publication contains comprehensive analyses of selected stages of the nuclear fuel cycle with an outlook to the near future and with emphasis on the advantages as well as the disadvantages of the approaches discussed. Its aim is to highlight selected subjects of international interest and establish a starting point for productive discussions on the future of the nuclear fuel cycle worldwide.
Contents: Trends in the nuclear fuel cycle: Development in the 1990s and international co-operation; Uranium supply and demand: Are there reasons for anxiety? AVLIS technology: Principal advantages and problems; Use of MOX fuels: The reasons to start; Fabrication, characterization and quality control of nuclear fuel ceramics.

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