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Radiological Safety Aspects of the Operation of Proton Accelerators

Technical Reports Series No. 283

English STI/DOC/010/283 ¦ 92-0-125188-2

¦ € 88.00 ¦ Date published: 1988


This report serves as a guide for the planning and implementation of radiation protection programmes for all types of positive ion accelerators. The basic types of accelerators are briefly described, followed by a detailed description of several installations covering the energy range from 10 MeV to 500 GeV. Special emphasis is given to the production of ionizing radiation and its transmission through shielding, computer techniques for shield design, radiation measurement and interpretation, and the radiological impact of accelerators on the environment. Extensive references are given so the book can serve as a source to the published literature.
Contents: Introduction; Characteristics of positive ion accelerators; Radiation environment of positive ion accelerators; Radiation measurements at accelerators; Radiation shielding; Accelerator radiation safety programme; Radiological environmental impact of accelerators; Sources of information and bibliography on accelerator radiation protection.

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