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Environmental Impact Assessment of the Drawdown of the Chernobyl NPP Cooling Pond as a Basis for Its Decommissioning and Remediation

Russian edition


English IAEA-TECDOC-1886 ¦ 978-92-0-161619-7

186 pages ¦ 83 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2019

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This publication provides technical and scientific information regarding the radiation monitoring, radio-ecological research and management of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant cooling pond. It focuses on the assessment of the environmental and radiological conditions after the pond drawdown, as a basis for justification of the decommissioning and remediation strategy for the pond. Special attention is paid to the analyses of remedial actions to reduce ongoing or potential doses to members of the public and plant staff due to radiological impacts resulting from the drawdown of water level in the pond. The publication also outlines practical experience gained throughout the cooling pond decommissioning project, which started in 2014 and continues into the present. It presents data from a monitoring programme, comparing modelling predictions of the dynamics of the cooling pond drainage and related radiological and ecological impacts, with the consequences of the drawdown of the water level in the cooling pond that were actually observed. Additionally, the publication summarizes lessons learned and addresses outstanding issues.

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NPP, Nuclear Power Plant, Decommissioning Nuclear Installations, Remediation of Radioactively Contaminated Sites, Chernobyl, Cooling Pond, Decommissioning and Remediation, Contamination, Decommissioning, Remediation, Best Practices, Radioactive Material, Risk Assessment, Risk Assessment Analysis, Radiological Impacts, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Waste Technology, Ukraine, Hydro-Engineering, Hydro-Technical Design, Geotechnical Stability, Cooling Pond Dam, Bathymetry, Bottom Sediments, Temperature Regime, Hydrochemistry, Technological Water Reservoir, Artificial Reservoir, Climate, Geology and Hydrogeology, Hydrology Regime of the Pripyat River, Radioactive Contamination, Mechanisms of Contamination, Radionuclides, Radionuclides of Concern, Fuel Hot Particles, Surface Water System, Groundwater System, ChNPP, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

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