This publication presents the results of an IAEA coordinated research project which served as a forum for the establishment of a research reactor material properties database for irradiated core structural components that are important to safety. The database is a compilation of data from comprehensive literature reviews, coordinated research projects and experimental data from research reactors on changes in research reactor core structural material properties owing to irradiation. Such a structured database is a resource for those involved in the aging assessment of core materials used in research reactors to ensure the reactor’s continued safe operation and possible life extension. The publication describes the coordinated effort to provide a comprehensive background and relevant information on the properties of irradiated core structural materials for RRs and to make these data available to the research reactor community. Use of the information provided will contribute to the safe and reliable long-term operation and lifetime extension of operating research reactors, as well as to the design of new ones.
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Nuclear Engineering, Safety Measures, Materials, Databases, Nuclear Reactors, Cores, RR, RRMPDB, Research Reactor Material Properties Databases, Irradiated Core Structural Components, Lifetime Management, Long Term Operation, Safety, Aging Assessment, Life Extension, Data Review, Design, CRP, Coordinated Research Project, Degradation, Data Collection, Validation, Maintenance, Utilization, Data Gaps, Member States, IAEA, Regulators, Research Institutes, Aluminium Alloys, Zirconium Alloys, Beryllium, Stainless Steels, Graphite, Concrete, Plastic, Organic Materials, Good Practices, Material Applications, Compatibility, Features, Data Sources, Methodology