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Hierarchical Structure of Safety Goals for Nuclear Installations


English IAEA-TECDOC-1874 ¦ 978-92-0-103119-8

122 pages ¦ 8 figures ¦ € 18.00 ¦ Date published: 2019

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This publication discusses the development and application of a hierarchical structure of safety goals encompassing high level goals and detailed technical requirements that may assist in forming a coherent and consistent approach to nuclear safety. The suggested hierarchy of safety goals provides a practical approach to consistently embracing the set of safety related requirements, both qualitative and quantitative, and developing the interconnections between them. Specifically, the structure supports adding country specific safety goals (e.g. risk metrics) to the overall safety considerations in a consistent manner. This process can be aided by reference to the IAEA safety standards.

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Nuclear Facilities, Industrial Safety, Nuclear Engineering, Safety Measures, Member States, Nuclear Installations, Hierarchical Structure, Types of Safety Goals, Stakeholders, Applications, Compliance, Design, Operations, Safety Communication, Licensee, Regulatory Bodies, Canada, German Regulatory Framework, Nuclear Power Plants, Defence in Depth, DiD, Probabilistic Safety Assessment, PSA, Accidents, Integrated Risk Informed Decision Making, IRIDM, Frequency, Multinational Design Evaluation Project, MDEP

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